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Version: 1.0.0

⛴️ Start your own bot with Docker!#


Maybe you need to run the following commands as sudo!

This article helps you to start your fmdb with docker. This is cool, because you only have to install one software ... Docker 🐳🎉. Make sure that you have followed the steps here.

If you already have a MongoDB, skip step 1 and 2 and update the environment variable MONGO_HOST accordingly.


You need:

  1. the .env file
  2. A folder for the logs

1. Create a new Network#

Create a new docker network, to connect the FMDB with MongoDB:

docker network create fmdb-network

2. Start MongoDB container#

Start the MongoDB container with the following command. Update your MONGO_HOST with the name defined by --name if necessary.

docker run -d --net fmdb-network --name mongo mongo:latest

3. Start FMDB container#

Now...let's start your FMDB! Just change the paths to .env and to the logs folder.

docker run -d --env-file /path/to/.env -v /path/to/logs:/usr/src/app/log --net fmdb-network --name fmdb -p 80:4040/tcp tjarbo/fmdb:latest

☄️ If you want to have the newest version (unstable - development branch), use the tjarbo/fmdb:next image

4. Add SSL on public server#

If you are running the fmdb on a public available sever, it's recommended to set up a HTTPS-Connection. We recommend the Secure Web Application Gateway by, but we are unable to provide any help in this case!

✅ Yeah!#

Check if everything works properly by opening the logs in the given path. If you see Mongoose connected and Logged in as <BOT-NAME>#<BOT-ID>. If you can see both lines, everything seams to work and the interface will be available on port 80.


When the fmdb freshly starts, the discord cache will be empty. Maybe as a spam bot protection, the bot is only able to send messages to users it already know. Send the bot a small "test" message to add your admin (discord) account to bots cache.